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Top 5 Tips for a Successful Ketogenic Diet

Top 5 Tips to make your Keto diet easy to follow and family friendly too!

Are you looking for ways to make your ketogenic diet easy to follow?  Let’s face it, life is busy.  Making a diet change to improve your health can be tricky when you are struggling to fit everything into each day.

Read on for my top 5 ketogenic diet tips and favorite meals for a family friendly ketogenic journey.  These tips will help save time during the week and make your ketogenic diet change a breeze!


I am too busy to prepare food. How will I follow the ketogenic diet?

Does this sound like you?  To make your diet change successful you need to allocate a couple of hours to start the week to plan your  meals ahead and ensure you have all ingredients ready to go.

For any change in life to be successful you need a plan.

Without a plan, you are setting yourself up to fail.

You know those days;  crazy busy with work, school, meetings and other commitments.  You run in the door at 6pm and then need to prepare dinner  for the family.  But wait…you are on keto, time is short, what do you do?  With a plan it is easy; everything is prepared, all of the ingredients you need are ready to go.  Without a plan; you are likely to return to old unhealthy habits; take away meals on the way home or a meal that will blow your healthy eating plan.

Set yourself up to win, set yourself up for success. 

I want you to get to the end of every day on your new ketogenic diet patting yourself on the back for a job well done.  These daily wins help you create new habits for continuing on a healthy diet for life.

To be successful you need to create opportunities to do so.  Being prepared on the ketogenic program is your first step to success.  I want you to finish each day feeling stronger and believing in yourself.


1. Be Prepared on the Ketogenic Diet!

If you want to do anything well, you need to be prepared and the keto diet is no exception.

  • Prepare a 5 – 7 day meal plan for the week ahead.
  • Plan a fun keto meal for Friday or Saturday night, try a recipe like Keto Pizza.
  • Do your shopping, tick everything off your list.
  • Print out recipes.
  • Pre-chop any vegetables for the next 2 days to make for easy lunches & dinners and store in the fridge.

2. Allow extra time over the weekend to prepare food for the keto diet week ahead.

At the beginning of your week ahead, head to the shops and stock up on all ingredients you need for the week.

Spend a couple of hours in the kitchen preparing food.  WHY?  This will make your ketogenic diet change much easier to follow and take the pressure off during a busy week.


3. Prepare extra protein’s for keto friendly lunch’s & dinner’s

I always recommend having quick and easy foods in the fridge ready to go.  My goal is a weekend cook and then a mid week top up to get the family through the week.

  • Pre-cook a roast chicken, chopped and in the fridge ready for easy lunches with salad.
  • Cook a corned beef on Sunday. Corned beef is great cold, chopped up with some salad for easy lunches and dinners.
  • Cook some extra chicken breast to keep in the fridge.  I love cajun spice or fresh herbs for extra flavor.  Slice it up and store in the fridge for easy lunches or to add to a soup.
  • Grab some quality mince meat and roll them into balls with some parsley & seasoning for a quick bake or fry.
  • Cook yourself a frittata with eggs, zucchini, onion, carrot and cheese, salt and pepper.

4. Cook a double batch at dinner

Make extra food one or two nights during the week to set aside an extra serve for tomorrows lunch, or dinner for the nights you know may be a challenge.

  • Soup – chicken soup full of vegetables;
  • Stew – beef stew with carrot, celery, onion, garlic, green beans;
  • Stir fry – tofu, chicken or beef stir fry with red capsicum, carrot, broccoli, leek, buk choy, bamboo shoots;
  • Bolognese – beef, onion, celery, capsicum, spinach, mushroom, zucchini and tomato;
  • Salads – a mixed salad with lettuce, spinach, tomato, cucumber with chopped chicken.

Your best meal companion is Cauliflower 

Seriously, cauliflower is such a diverse vegetable and so good for you.

  • Steam it and mash it to use with a stir fry or bolognese
  • Roast it with a little oil and seasoning for 20 minutes.
  • Boil or steam and blend in your food processor for a mashed potato replacement or for a topping on shepherds pie.


5. Snacks ready

  • Mixed nuts – be sure to allocate your portions
  • boil some eggs
  • pre cut some cheese, celery & capsicum sticks.
  • Keto friendly low carbohydrate protein shakes or bars.
  • a slice of frittata.
  • a slice of orange keto cake with almond meal.


Go ahead and give these ketogenic  tips a try. I know they will help you implement the ketogenic diet into your daily life.  These are tried and tested and really work!

Let me know how you go.

Enjoy your ketogenic diet journey.


Cindi Young is a leading Gold Coast Naturopath.  She helps her clients  follow the ketogenic program successfully while addressing underlying health issues.  She is an experienced naturopath and will find the best ways to help you manage your weight for life.

Cindi offers guided ketogenic programs including; 30 day Keto Start program as well as more comprehensive 6 week and 10 week programs.  These programs offer you the best way to learn the value of the ketogenic diet with weekly health check ups.

Cindi Young is available for naturopath and ketogenic diet consultations at The Cycle of Life in Robina, Gold Coast and at The Fountain Centre in Byron Bay.  She is also available for online, skype and phone consultations Australia wide.


Learn how to follow a healthy ketogenic diet today.   Book your appointment now.


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